Casino Extreme

A veteran crypto casino established in 2000

Casino Extreme Overview

Software: Real Time Gaming (RTG)

Casino Extreme is powered by Realtime Gaming (RTG), a trusted software provider owned by Hastings International BV with regular releases every two weeks. Players are enticed with regular promotions tied in with new game releases and tournaments with huge prize pools. A recent example was March 2024’s Vault Breakers, with a $300,000 Prize Pool and top prizes including a Tesla and a Ducati motorbike. Known as the “Instant Withdrawal Kings”, players at Casino Extreme enjoy rapid payouts and 24/7 customer support. With a stellar conversion rate and an established reputation, Casino Extreme has a strong (and growing) foothold in the online gaming space. Check it out on Trustpilot; as of March 6th, 2024, the average score was a whopping 4.5 stars out of 5. Extreme works closely with affiliates with more-than-fair profit sharing and regular payment at the beginning of each month. Interested? Find out more below.

Visit Casino Extreme website

Affiliate Benefits
  • 50% Revenue share on 1st Three Months
  • No negative carryover
  • Regular, speedy payment on the 1st of the month, every month
  • Special offers to VIP Affiliates
Casino Promotions
  • $3000 Welcome Bonus
  • $50 Welcome FREE CHIP
  • 200% for 1st Altcoin deposit
Real Time Gaming (RTG) related FAQ

Q. I don't have a Web site or a blog, can I still apply?

Unfortunately, you can’t. To be accepted as an affiliate, we must be able to view your Web site or blog.

Q. Can I join other affiliate programs?

Yes. Our Affiliate Program is non-exclusive.

Q. How do I sign-up?

Navigate to some of our brands on Brands page and click the red Sign Up button, complete and submit the form.

Q. What do I get upon sign-up?

You will then receive an email letting you know your application has been received. In the course of the 48 hours following our receipt of your application form, you will receive another email notifying whether your application was turned down or approved. If your application was approved, this e-mail will contain your user name and password.

Q.Do I need to sign-up for each Casino separately?


Q. Why do I have to enter an alphanumeric code before I can submit my sign-up form or my “Contac Us” enquiry?

The name of the program that generates and authorizes the alphanumeric code is CAPTCHA, which stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. The CAPTCHA is used to protect our Web site as well as to preserve the integrity of the information available through the site.

Q. What reports are available?

The reports available are Statistics by Casino, Statistics by Banner, Current Earnings, Historical Earnings Summary, Payment History, Affiliate Ledger and Tier Earnings

Q. What information does the “Statistics by Casino report contain?

The Statistics by Casino report shows key metric data (clicks, downloads, signups, initial deposits, depositors, deposits, withdrawals, gross win, credits, chargebacks, and net win) over your defined timeframe. Results are displayed by Casino. Descriptions for column headers of key metric data can be found in this section of the FAQs – after the questions about reports. You can use this report to learn which Partner Casinos are generating you more earnings as a result of more activity therein by your referrals.

Q. What information does the “Statistics by Banner” report contain?

The Statistics by Banner report shows key metric data (clicks, downloads, signups, initial deposits, depositors, deposits, withdrawals, gross win, credits, chargebacks, and net win) over your defined timeframe. Results are displayed by Marketing Tool. Descriptions for column headers of key metric data can be found in this section of the FAQs – after the questions about reports. You can use this report to learn which Marketing Tools are generating you more earnings as a result of more activity therethrough.

Q. What information does the “Current Earnings” report contain?

The Current Earnings report shows key metric data (including pay period, program name, program description, earned, adjustments, and total earned) over a timeframe extending from the first day of the current month to the date of the request. Descriptions for column headers of key metric data can be found in this section of the FAQs – after the questions about reports. You can use this report to learn how much your marketing efforts have generated moneywise for the time lapsed for the month of the report. This includes any carryovers from previous periods.

Q. What information does the “Historical Earnings Summary” report contain?

The Historical Earnings Summary report shows key metric data (including pay period, program name, program description, earned, adjustments, and total earned) over your defined timeframe. Results are displayed by Marketing Tool. Descriptions for column headers of key metric data can be found in this section of the FAQs – after the questions about reports. You can use this report to learn how much your marketing efforts have generated moneywise for the period you define regardless of when payment for said earnings was or will be made. While on this report, you can click any hyperlinked amount for more detailed information.

Q. What information does the “Payment History” report contain?

This report shows simple data (pay date, balance due, payment amount, payment method, whether it was Check or NETELLER and a short space for comments) over your defined timeframe to assist you in tracking earnings and actual payments received. Results are displayed chronologically from oldest to most recent within the time range specified. Descriptions for column headers of key metric data can be found in this section of the FAQs – after the questions about reports. You can use this report to learn when, how much and through which means you were paid.

Q. What information does the “Affiliate Ledger” report contain?

Perhaps the simplest of the reports, the Ledger report shows your properly dated earnings, payments received and their resulting balance – all accompanied with the corresponding descriptions over your defined timeframe. Results are displayed chronologically from oldest to most recent within the time range specified. Descriptions for column headers of key metric data can be found in this section of the FAQs – after the questions about reports. You can use this report to learn when, how much you earned; as well as when, how much and through which means you were paid. In other words, this is an account statement which shows your affiliate account Debits (earnings) and Credits (payments) for the period of time you define.

Q. What information does the “Tier Earnings” report contain?

The Tier Earnings report shows key metric data in connection with your sub-affiliates and the earnings they generate for you (sub-affiliate ID, sub-affiliate name, sub-affiliate tier level, amount of tier earned) over your defined timeframe. Results are displayed by Affiliate Name, but may be sorted by to suit your needs.

Q. Where can I find historical information prior to November 2009?

This system does not contain information prior to November 2009. In case you need to access historical prior to November 2009 in connection with the Statistics by Casino report, the Statistics by Banner report or the Historical Earnings Summary report , follow the link shown in these reports, which reads “For information before 11/2009 click here”. Following this link will take you to the “old” Affiliate System where you can access the information.

Q. How are players tracked to me?

Every Marketing Tool we provide you with includes a unique Affiliate ID Code that accurately identifies a Casino visitor as coming from your site. If the referred visitor sign up and downloads the casino software, your Affiliate ID is permanently associated to their accounts, so you will always be credited for that referred player activity in our Partner Casinos.

Q. How do I track my earnings?

We provide our affiliates with password-protected access to a great array of reports. Based on the reports, Affiliates can view their statistical records, evaluate their progress and optimize their performance.

Q. What are “clicks”?

"Clicks" refers to the collection of clicks made from your site on any marketing tool and ultimately resulting in visits to any of our Casinos. Clicks are presented in reports as a statistical piece of information to help you track your business.

Q. What are “downloads”?

“Downloads” means Referred Players who register and download the specific Casino software for any Partner Casino.

Q. What are "signups"?

“Signups” refers to any redirected visitors that actually sign up in any of our Casinos. Specific criteria to deem a signup valid may be stated in the Affiliate Program or our Terms and Conditions, and if specified, it may change from time to time.

Q. What are "initial deposits"?

“Initial deposits” refers to a new casino player first deposit. Specific criteria to deem an initial deposit valid may be stated in the Affiliate Program or our Terms and Conditions, and if specified, it may change from time to time.

Q. What are "depositors"?

“Depositors” refers to the number of new casino players that actually make deposits. Specific criteria to deem a depositor valid may be stated in the Affiliate Program or our Terms and Conditions, and if specified, it may change from time to time.

Q. What are "deposits"?

“Deposits” refers to the number of deposit transactions made by your Referred Players in our partner Casinos. Specific criteria, such as minimum threshold, to deem a deposit valid may be stated in the Affiliate Program or our Terms and Conditions, and if specified, it may change from time to time.

Q. What are "withdrawals"?

“Withdrawals” refers to withdrawal transactions made by a player from his account in casino cashier. Specific criteria to deem as such valid be stated in the Affiliate Program or our Terms and Conditions, and if specified, it may change from time to time.

Q. What is "gross win"?

“Gross win” refers to the Referred Players waging in our Partner Casinos.

Q. What are "credits"?

“In your Affiliate Ledger, “Credits” are payments you received for money earned (debits) as an affiliate.

Q. What are "chargebacks"?

“Chargebacks” are invalid, fraudulent or disputed card or debit payments including but not limited to where the card company or the paying bank has claimed payment back from our Casinos, or where the card-holder claims payment back because or non-performance. Chargebacks are deducted from your earning in the month they are charged.

Q. What is "net win"?

“Net Win” refers to the total amount of money generated by one or more of your referred player wagering [minus] that said player's winnings (including progressive jackpots if applicable). For example, if your referred players wagers $100 and wins back $90, Net Win is $10.

Q. What are "earnings"?

“Net Win” refers to the total amount of money generated by one or more of your referred player wagering [minus] that said player's winnings (including progressive jackpots if applicable). For example, if your referred players wagers $100 and wins back $90, Net Win is $10.

Q. How do I update my profile?

You can update the profile for your account by following these steps:

  • 1. Sign in
  • 2. Under the Configuration tab, click My Profile
  • 3. Enter the new information in the corresponding spaces
  • 4. Press the submit button in the bottom of the page

Q. Can I change my affiliate program?

Yes. You can change your affiliate program by following these steps:

  • 1. Sign in
  • 2. Under the Configuration tab, click Change my Program
  • 3. In the New program field, select from the drop-down box the Program of your choice
  • 4. Press the submit button and remember that this program change will be effective as of the first day of the following month

Q. How do I change my password?

You can change your password by following these steps:

  • 1. Sign in
  • 2. Under the Configuration tab, click Change my Password
  • 3. Enter your current password in the first box
  • 4. Enter your new password (as you would like it to be) in the second box
  • 5. Confirm your new password in the third box
  • 6. Click the "Submit" button

Q. What are sub-affiliates?

“Sub-Affiliates” are affiliates other than you that promote our Casinos clients underneath you; i.e. they were guided to sign up as affiliates through your marketing efforts. In other words, you promote our Partner Casinos to prospect players and our Affiliate System to Prospect Affiliates (like you). Sub-Affiliates work as a tiered program. Under such plan, you – the “Parent” Affiliate – get a percentage of the Net Profit generated by any sub-affiliate (child) you signed up, yet Sub-Affiliates are not deducted anything from their earnings and are paid at the standard rate.

Q. What are Affiliate Program Details?

The Affiliate Program Details section gives you an overview of the different ways you earn money with our Affiliate Programs. It also shows a chart that gives you the specifics of the various commission pay schemes and schedules.

Q. Why are Program Details important?

To match the performance of your affiliate marketing efforts. Experience will tell you how your visitors behave, and that may affect the way you can profit most. For example, if you learn that Casino players you referred usually play large amounts of money you would want an Affiliate Program that pays you a percentage based somehow on the amount they wage. However, if you learn that Casino players you refer usually play rather small amounts of money, you may be better off by receiving a commission on how many referred visitors actually become Casino players.

Q. Can I change Programs?

Yes. You can change Programs. You must take into account, however, that program changes become effective on the first day of the following month. For example, if you change your affiliate program on May 19, this change will become effective for the purposes of calculating your commission as of June 1.

Q. How long does it take for a program change to become effective?

A program change becomes effective on the first day of the following month. For example, if you change your affiliate program on May 19, this change will become effective for the purposes of calculating your commission as of June 1.

Q. Why would I want to change programs?

To obtain more profit. Experience will tell you how your visitors behave, and that may affect the way you can profit most. For example, if you learn that Casino players you referred usually play large amounts of money you would want an Affiliate Program that pays you a percentage based somehow on the amount they wage. However, if you learn that Casino players you refer usually play rather small amounts of money, you may be better off by receiving a commission on how many referred visitors actually become Casino players.

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